Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Jello Biafra And The Guantanamo School Of Medicine.

Rosemount Hotel North Perth 14/05/2013
The intense ringing in my ears and the assorted bruises ripening over my body are testament to another night out at The Rosemount Hotel, one of this town's greater assets.
Jello Biafra, former frontman of The Dead Kennedys, is honouring us with his presence tonight, presenting his latest band The Guantanamo School Of Medicine.
Jello reminds me of half forgotten youthful times before mortgage and parenthood, where innocent ideals seemed possible. The man is radical. He speaks of the corruption at the heart of corporate America, of refugees being used as scapegoats, of private prison business systems enslaving whole legions of people. He warns us as Australians to resist the rhetoric of our own Iron Lady, question why it is that Rinehart and her ilk are so keen on pushing their personal agendas; its not for the benefit of ordinary Australians. He is also funny,very funny. Usually an overtly political line leaves me cold but the emphasis tonight is on fairness and resisting the erosion of our personal liberties and is not along party lines. I almost feel a bit bad about using this forum to advertise my WINDOW CLEANING BUSINESS.  .  .  .  
  .   .   .   .   Nah.
The crowd at the front are rough, very rough, slamming and crowdsurfing and generally causing mayhem. I spot Ian John, an old schoolmate in the thick of it and we crack up at the absurdity of two men in their 50s being in such a position. That's him lower left of frame either worshipping at Jello's feet or knocked to the ground or both.
 Someone throws a drink at my head,(plastic cups thank God), and ice gets under my collar and trickles down my back. In this heated environment it provides relief. I'm reminded of being a child in England and having this done to me at school.
 Ian is  in the middle of a career change and studying to be a primary school teacher. He has had a mohawk haircut done especially for the night. He's a uni student again.  .   .   . Crazy kid. 
The songs are a mix of old and new; Holiday In Cambodia is a standout, Shock-u-py is great too, Kalifornia Uber Alles drives the crowd crazy. Too Drunk and Viva Las Vegas are sorely missed. The band are tight and loud. I experience that trouser leg blowing in the wind effect that Ron Asheton from The Stooges tried so hard to achieve. Happy times.

 Pretty much says it all.

Here is a Youtube video I uploaded that someone else recorded of the gig. It captures the feel'

Across the road is the old Rosemount Bowl, a place that holds a special place in my heart for it was at this very venue I was married. Ours was the first wedding performed there but I'll probably have to deal with that one in it's own blog post  .  .  . If at all.
I lived with my family in a house on the corner of Burt and Walcott in 1970 and this area brings back strong childhood memories of Hyde Park and the bowling alley and school at St Paul's Mt Lawley, (psycho nun for a teacher  .  .  . No names mentioned here   .    .    .  Veronica).
 The neighbourhood has changed greatly of course but it still feels like that place I fell into all those years ago.
Rosemount Hotel I thank you for another great night.

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