Sunday, March 24, 2013

Deville's Pad

Hot Rods To hell 2013
Another year has been and gone and we find ourselves at the annual Hot Rods To Hell day once again.
Some fine tunes, cars and a marketplace with an emphasis on rock'n'roll and fun.

And Here's the man himself.
We arrive later this year, at about 4pm, and the car display is all but over.
I remember this fellow from last year  .  .  .  .

Anything goes  .   .   .   .    This is a celebration of all things rock'n'roll.
Entertainment courtesy of Craig Weighall and The Burger Kings is authentic and drives the very young crowd wild.
Craig's vocal delivery is effortlessly tuneful and entertaining, he might as well be channelling the spirit of Elvis. Backed up by Martin Moon on drums and an excellent keyboard and bass contribution.

This is most definitely a kid friendly event.

Harry and Charlie check out what's left of the car display  .  .  .

People wear the colour red here with a fierce pride,
 Hot Rods To Hell Deville's Pad 2013.

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