Monday, December 1, 2014

Canberra. . . A Woodlands Home Demolished.

Walking through the neighbourhood I see an old house awaiting demolition.
Left empty for a while and fenced off the gardens have grown unruly and the house has tken on an air of neglect.
Demolition is imminent.

The ceiling of the garage is still in good condition but is being removed separately. Like many of these old Woodlands homes from the early '60s asbestos was used in it's construction.
The house is named.
I can't help admiring these old windows. The house no longer meets the requirements of a modern buyer but it seems to still be in fine condition. The brick work and timber features were built to last. I wonder if the next house will last for 50 years as this one has.
Before the Woodlands estate was developed in the very early '60s the area was known as "The Bush" among Perth locals. Many people have spoken to me about the area encompassing Jackadder Lake and surrounding bushland and creeks. One work colleague, Owen,(Blue), Dodd went to school at a site now occupied by Bunnings Innaloo and talked of times as a kid in the bush around the lake in the 1930s. I worked with Blue at Lucas Auto Electrics on the corner of Milligan and Wellington streets.
March 15th 2015
Sub divided and ready for a new kind of dwelling.
Goodbye Canberra.

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