Sunday, November 17, 2013

Mysterious Trigg Island Cave Dweller

At the entrance to Trigg Island Cave evidence of habitation with an attention to symbol and ritual. An old jumper hung out to dry bears the same marking as that on the rock.
Modern day rock art. Someone is letting us know that this cave is occupied.
The shopping has been done but nobody is home. The kids are fascinated.
The beach is particularly fine today.  Warm weather and a rippling swell rolling across the reef make for very pleasant Sunday afternoon conditions. Once again we steel ourselves for the leap into the Trigg Island pool, a natural feature which is definitely not for everyone.
A bit of respect here please.
One way or another I reckon I've taken a hundred photos of this particular subject.
Swimming here is safer than it looks and only requires a little confidence.
Just a normal day for some of the local shags.
Back to reality.
Who even uses mulies anyway? Thanks EARLY BIRD BAIT company I see examples of your work everywhere. Bin it.
Before setting off I return to the water's edge and get a couple of pictures.

Home via the old West Coast Highway
Not bad for a Sunday afternoon.

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