Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Mountain Bike Ride To Subiaco

Wednesday 4th September 2013.                   
Today I am riding my bike for a change because it's too easy to drive everywhere and besides I've been promising myself this for ages, looking guiltily at my bike lying idle these past 2 months since Rottnest. 
The great beauty of cycling is that it gives you time to appreciate those areas you would normally drive on past. The new housing estate on the old Churchlands Edith Cowan campus is such a place
The estate is fantastically bike friendly and has many integrated walking and cycling trails meandering through it. 

 Some generous family homes are being built here.
Some serious medium density dwellings also.
I pause outside the estate to take this photo.
I must drive by this estate 10 times a week and I am surprised at how pleasant it already is. My mum graduated from teachers college here in '76 and I worked fairly extensively on site at the old uni in the late '80s, cleaning the windows. I recognise nothing here from those days and its only later, as I begin to assemble this post that I consciously realise it is the same place.
Further down the road in Floreat, across the road from the golf course I come across a house that has amused me for years. Maybe its down to me working in the WINDOW CLEANING industry in such suburbs as FLOREAT, CHURCHLANDS, SUBIACO, CLAREMONT, NEDLANDS and many others where I work almost entirely on improving views that I notice Golf View has no view at all.
Mind you the risk of breakage from rogue golf balls is minimal.
Past the Floreat Salvation Army shop
and along the bike paths of the new Perry Lakes Estate
In Subiaco I am stopped in my tracks by this coral tree in full bloom.

The Subiaco streetscape is compelling.

I have some business in Subi and I must say how great it feels to  just chain my bike to any old post for free and not have to worry about parking.

I try to cross the line at Daglish but access is barred.

With the train receding into a surprisingly rural setting I am free to cross once more.
WE really are spoiled when it comes to off-road cycling facilities and it's sometimes easy to forget this.
Cycleways provide an extensive alternative to driving, safe and convenient.

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