Saturday, December 29, 2012

Christmas Day 2012.

After weeks of seemingly endless toil dealing with the pre Christmas, Spring Cleaning Window Cleaning period we find ourselves in a dreamlike heatwave in the week between Christmas and New Year. Here are some photos I took of us on Christmas Day.

Trigg Island it is again. after the same ill advised early morning drinks and large breakfast it is an almost ecstatic plunge that signals the festivities' commencement.
Always a welcome sight.

Enough of The Island. The kids want to try the other side and put their new surf toy through its paces.

Talk about the burning sands  .  .  .  .  You only need to take a few steps away from the water to appreciate the heat. The sun is so strong that we can only stay a short while.
If anything conditions are even better over here.
Charlie gets a run.
And a lie down. What a stunning day. Where else could you be?

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