Sunday, August 25, 2013

In Praise Of Windex.

A preliminary spray of windex on outdoor partition glass is an effective first stage of treatment for the removal  good way of the dreaded     FLY SPOT STAINS.

Windex imparts a shine on tired outside glass surfaces and removes all fly and insect spots, it also cuts through BIRD POO STAINS.
I've posted before about COBWEB REMOVAL and this is a huge part of the job. Windex is probably the best knock down killer of spiders that I have seen. Similarly nesting paperwasps and bees can pose a stinging threat to the cleaner. Windex knocks them down and kills them quicker than flyspray, reducing the risk of being stung.

Child hand prints, dog barking stains and STICKY KITCHEN WINDOWS are windowcleaning problems that are solved with an initial spray of Windex followed up immediately with a conventional WINDOW CLEANING PROCESS.